Please sign my guestbook!
Personal information - Information about research and
how to get in contact with me.
I have gathered some
jokes and funny stories
One of my favourite leisure activities is photography, with specialization on nature photos.
Some of my pictures are available here at my photogallery.
Currently I'm using slide film, and I do not have access to a scanner, so these are not my best shot, though!
Climbing is my sencond main leisure activities, and here you can find some climbing information.
People who don't like the net, claims that the net is just a collection of cool looking pages
without useful information, just links to other cool pages containing links to ohter .... At
least, here are some
other places worth visit.
Questions? Comments?
Feel free to mail me!
" A busstation is where a bus stops.
A trainstation is where a train stops.
On my desk there's a workstation.... "
Klatring i
Buoux, Provence Pages and contents (c) Erik Poppe